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Homepage - Population Connection

Show Notes

Reason for Hope

U.S. Congress passes historic climate action

  • Last Friday the House passed a critical set of climate provisions as part of bill called Inflation Reduction Act
  • It's now headed to Biden’s desk for signature
  • According to the Rhodium Group, bill on top of existing actions could enable U.S. to cut its emissions 35-42% by 2030
  • The bill will also help cut conventional air pollution from power plants by up to 82%
  • It's also expected to cut U.S. household energy costs $112 / year by 2030


A Turning Point for US Climate Progress: Assessing the Climate and Clean Energy Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act | Rhodium Group (

Overpopulation and Climate Change

Earth Overshoot Day

Measure of global sustainably

Each year - how much humans consume of earth's resources compared to what earth can replenish in a given year

Getting sooner each year

  • 1971 – Late December
  • 2022 – Late July

Currently the Global Footprint Network estimates we are consuming 1.75 earth's worth of resources

Per capita carbon emissions

Strong correlation between income and per capita emissions


Home - Global Footprint Network

CO2 emissions - Our World in Data
