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Opportunities to Make a Difference

Help pass Build Back Better act

Send a short message to your U.S. Senator's (just do one if you're short on time) telling them to pass climate provisions of the Build Back Better act.

We have a narrowing window to act before the election cycle begins and frankly, we can't afford to wait for another shot.

U.S. Senate: Senators

Potential talking points

  • It's critical we pass the climate provisions in the Build Back Better Bill
  • This is our chance to avoid a climate tipping point and the damage it will cause to both our economy and the environment
  • I encourage you to not only support the bill, but do all you can to ensure its passage

Show Notes

Latest IPCC report

Antonio Guterres, U.N. secretary general called it a “damning indictment of failed climate leadership”

Bad news

  • The earth has already warmed 1.1 degrees Celsius
  • 3.3 billion people are now highly vulnerable
  • Those who have done little to contribute to climate change will be suffering most
  • More compounding events like high temps and low precipitation

Good news

  • Still time to act
  • Each fraction of warming matters
  • A strong response this decade = lower risk path


AR6 Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability — IPCC

STATEMENT: ‘Unflinching’ IPCC Report Makes Plain, Personal and Planetary Costs are Mounting | World Resources Institute (

IPCC adaptation report ‘a damning indictment of failed global leadership on climate’ | IPCC report says human actions are causing dangerous disruption, and window to secure a liveable future is closing | UN News

This week’s reason for hope

Conflict in Ukraine could help E.U. accelerate transition to renewables

E.U. gets roughly 40% of its natural gas from Russia

International Energy Agency released 10 step plan to cut reliance on Russian gas 30% within a year

Half of cuts come from reducing gas consumption

  • Accelerate wind / solar
  • Maximize bioenergy / nuclear
  • Energy efficiency
  • Conserving energy


How Europe can cut natural gas imports from Russia significantly within a year - News - IEA
