With Congress debating a bill that's our best chance at real climate action, we attempt to break down carbon pricing and the reasons we should get behind it.
Senator's Schatz, Wyden, and Whitehouse have introduced a carbon tax and rebate as part of reconciliation bill congressional democrats are working to pass. This is HUGE!
We'll be posting a thank you on both Facebook and Instagram on Thursday morning. Help us show them support by liking and sharing our post.
Recent Pew Center study shows promising views on climate policy, even before the climate events of the summer
Millennials and Gen Z more likely to prioritize climate action than Boomers
Differences are more pronounced among younger and older Republicans
We need to limit warming to 1.5 degrees avoids tipping point
CO2 cuts needed to stay within 1.5 degrees Celsius
Sufficiency of current climate plans
Australia has taken little to no action on climate under PM Scott Morrison
Climate change: Have countries kept their promises? - BBC News
Countries | Climate Action Tracker
Canada - Carbon tax with a rebate
Passed in 2018 by Trudeau government
Current CO2 price - 40 CAD / ton
Moving to $50 next year then $15 / yr up to 170 CAD / ton in 2030
E.U. – Cap and trade
Current CO2 price - 62.45 Euros / ton
Border adjustment passed this year
Progress to date
U.S. Situation
No national price
States have shown leadership
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative – 11 Eastern states (applies to power sector)
More than a quarter of the U.S. population lives in a state with carbon pricing. These states represent a third of the U.S. GDP.
Market-Based State Policy | Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (c2es.org)
Canadian Carbon Prices & Rebates (Updated 2021) (energyhub.org)
Climate Action Incentive Payment Amounts for 2021 - Canada.ca
Most Canadian households to get more in rebates than paid in carbon tax: PBO | Globalnews.ca
Canada's Supreme Court rules in favour of national carbon tax - BBC News
What Countries Have A Carbon Tax? | Earth.Org - Past | Present | Future
EU unveils sweeping climate change plan - BBC News
Climate change: Have countries kept their promises? - BBC News