What's sustainability? How does it relate to climate? How can you tell if a product's green? We tackle those questions & more with sustainability expert Kate Gaertner.
Option #1
Help expand and strengthen right to repair laws
EU listeners - tell your representative to strengthen existing legislation to include additional devices
US listeners - call on your representative to pass a federal right to repair law
Potential talking points
Option #2
Be a more sustainable consumer by
1) Repairing items when possible
2) Looking for refurbished or used options first
3) Buying durable goods that last longer
4) Buying from companies whose climate targets are aligned with the Paris Agreement
India has proposed a change to its national electricity policy to prevent future coal plants from being built
Plants already in the pipeline will still be allowed to be completed
Proposal still needs approval of federal cabinet
Today, India gets over 70% of its power from coal
Exclusive: India amends power policy draft to halt new coal-fired capacity | Reuters
EU has enacted a new law intended to protect consumers from greenwashing
Kroger along with other vendors got into legal trouble for falsely claiming their sunscreen was reef safe
Four states have enacted extended producer responsibility laws in the U.S.
What to know about Europe's new anti-greenwashing laws | Greenbiz
The Legal Risks of Greenwashing Are Real (bloomberglaw.com)
Four States Enact Packaging EPR Laws | Packaging World (packworld.com)