The IPCC released their latest report in early August. Despite the sobering situation, there is still time for us to choose our climate future.
Tell your member of Congress to pass a carbon tax with a carbon dividend and border adjustment as part of the larger infrastructure package
Call their office and leave a voicemail or message with an aide (Senator Office Number Lookup)
Suggested Talking Points
Remember, it doesn’t matter if you sound eloquent. What matters is you’re making the call!
China committed last Sept it will be carbon neutral by 2060
They just announced ambitious tree planting campaign to help meet climate targets
Source - China to step up tree planting campaign to help reach net zero | Reuters
Latest report from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released in early August
UN climate meetings in Glasgow in 31Oct - 12Nov HOME - UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) at the SEC – Glasgow 2021 (
Tipping point of sorts - impacts much worse with 2 degrees warming
Reaching 1.5 degrees means rapid cuts
Source - Global Warming of 1.5 ºC — (
Humans are causing warming
Confidence in models has improved
Five scenarios modeled
Rapid emission cuts and net zero by 2050 to avoid worst impacts
Good news - we still control our destiny
Source – AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis — IPCC
Top five emitting countries/regions: China – 24.3%, U.S. – 13.4%, E.U. – 9.1%, India – 6.3%, Russia – 4.9%
Top five together add up ~ 60%
China, U.S. and E.U. together are almost half of global emissions
As largest emitter, China is critical to addressing climate change
Source - Global Emissions | Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (
Note – each countries share of CO2 emissions is slightly different than its share of GHG emissions which includes CO2 and non-CO2 sources
By sector: Electricity - 25%, Land Use (agriculture, forestry, etc) – 24%, Industry - 21%, Transportation - 14%, Buildings – 6%, Other - 10% (fossil fuel extraction, refining, etc) Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data | US EPA
Transitioning to renewables and electric vehicles would reduce emissions over 40% (including reduction in emissions do to less fossil fuel extraction / refining)
Changing certain land use practices have dual benefit Carbon Factsheet.indd (
While we can each make personal changes, government action is the only way to get us there
U.S. needs to lead with actual policy changes
No single solution, but carbon price and a border adjustment are two critical steps Columbia | SIPA Center on Global Energy Policy | Leading Economists Offer 5 Carbon Tax Recommendations: 3 1/2 are Basic Principles of Economics
U.S. has accountability as world’s biggest consumer of resources - Use It and Lose It: The Outsize Effect of U.S. Consumption on the Environment - Scientific American