Climate scientist Simon Donner talks with us about climate change's impact on our friends to the North, what they're doing to cut emissions & what more needs to be done.
Tell Prime Minister Trudeau to save $12 billion in tax incentives for better climate solutions
Potential Message
Instead of spending $12 billion in tax incentives on tar sands carbon capture, let's spend it on subsidizing technologies that move us away from fossil fuels and produce predictable carbon reductions
Contact the Prime Minister | Prime Minister of Canada (
Montana's Young Folks take Climate Change to Court
Sixteen young plaintiffs fight against the devastating effects of climate change in Held v. Montana
They claim that Montana's government "violated their constitutional rights to a healthy environment"
First constitutional climate-change-based trial in the U.S.
Canada and Climate
Carbon Emissions
Canada's largest emissions source is oil and gas production (it accounts for about 25% of the countries total carbon emissions)
Emission Targets
2030 - country plans to cut its emissions by 40-45%
2050 - net zero emissions
A board of climate scientists meet every five years to set interim targets for the 2050 plan
Canada's Carbon Price
Carbon price is currently $65/ton (which results in a roughly 60 cents/gallon increase on gasoline)
This carbon price is set to increase by $15/ton every year until 2030
Atmospheric Rivers (AR)
A stream of water vapor that can drop a month’s worth of precipitation in a few days
Carbon price jumps to $65/tonne, but rebates will also rise for millions of households | CBC News
How carbon pricing works |
What are atmospheric rivers, and how are they affecting the B.C. floods? | CBC Radio