Listen in as biologist Timmie Mandish walks us through how climate change will impact rivers and what we can do to make them more resilient.
They do great work focused on rivers that includes
Yes, the call for action is the same as last week. This is a huge, perhaps our only, change to put a price on carbon in time for it to have a real impact.
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Research shows sea otters are key piece in restarting natural carbon sink
How sea otters can fight climate change - BBC Future
Caring for sea otters offers climate bonus | NOAA
In Mid-Aug U.S. Bur. Rec declared water shortage on the Colorado river
Indus river basin in Asia, supports 200M is also over constrained and facing additional pressure from climate change
Climate change: 1.9 billion people rely on natural 'water towers' - BBC News
Climate change is shrinking the Colorado River (