With U.S. midterm elections less than a month away, we look at the potential implications for the climate and how each of us can help elect a climate friendly majority.
Get Involved in the Midterms!
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Here are a couple options for getting involved
The Australian federal government has set a goal to prevent any new extinctions of Australian wildlife
It's first time a federal government has announced a zero extinctions target for the country’s plants and animals
The goal forms part of a 10-year plan to improve the trajectory of 110 species and 20 places and protect an additional 50m hectares of land and sea area by 2027
The issue is however that the same minister just approved a fossil fuel powered nitrogen fertilizer plant in the northwest of Australia, right beside Australia’s largest gas field
Australia backs $2.9 billion urea plant with low-cost finance | Reuters
American's views on climate
Climate as election issue - Pew Research poll ranked climate 13 out of 15 as "very important" to their vote
General perceptions
A few races to watch
Current U.S. climate commitments
Paris pledge – 50-52% cut by 2030, still not in-line with limiting warming to 1.5°C
Current policies (including Inflation Reduction Act) – 40% cut by 2030, well beyond 1.5°C
Options for closing emissions gap
Updating code to require more efficient buildings
Further incentivizing management of forests and agriculture to maximize carbon sequestration
Executive actions in variety of areas
Climate Power is investing 10 million in ad campaign in battleground states
Resources for learning whether candidates are pro-climate or not
League of Conservation Voters Scorecard (lcv.org)
Vote Climate U.S. PAC (voteclimatepac.org)
Midterm voter preference, importance of elections, views of campaign issues | Pew Research Center
Yale Climate Opinion Maps 2021 - Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
Herschel Walker blasts climate bill: ‘Don’t we have enough trees around here?’ (yahoo.com)
2022 Race Ratings: Governor | CNN Politics
Policies & action | Climate Action Tracker
Groups unveil climate law ad push ahead of midterms (axios.com)