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Opportunities to Make a Difference

Tell your member of Congress to include the following as part of the larger infrastructure package

  • Incentives for energy storage
  • A carbon tax with a dividend and border adjustment

Call their office and leave a voicemail or message with an aide (Senator Office Number Lookup)

Suggested Talking Points

  • Hi, this is Your Name, from Your City and I’m very concerned about climate change
  • It's critical the broader infrastructure package contain robust climate solutions
  • We need incentives for energy storage and a price on carbon that includes a dividend and a border adjustment to ensure we reach net zero by 2050
  • Climate change is already happening. We need act now to stop it from getting worse

Remember, it doesn’t matter if you sound eloquent.  What matters is you’re making the call!

Show Notes

This Week’s Reason for Hope

Steel production represents 11% of global GHG emissions

Swedish firm HYBRIT just produced the world’s first green steel

  • Uses hydrogen made from renewable energy instead of coal
  • First batch delivered to Volvo
  • Aiming for industrial scale by 2026


Intro - Solar Energy

Solar has undergone a massive transformation in the past 10-15 years

  • 40% growth year over year growth in last decade
  • Solar is 39% of planned new generation capacity in 2021 – total renewables forecast to be 80%


Solar's Geographic Footprint

  • Energy density of solar is smaller
  • 1 GW solar requires roughly 10,000 acres
  • 1 GW of nuclear requires roughly 500-600 acres


Land-Use Requirements for Solar Power Plants in the United States (

Trojan Nuclear Power Plant - Wikipedia

Behind Solar’s Massive Growth

  • On average, solar energy has grown 40% year over year for the last decade
  • Since 2009, the levelized cost of solar has fallen by approximately 90% (where levelized cost is the total lifetime cost / total energy produced)
  • Federal solar investment tax credit (ITC) is based on the amount of investment in solar property. After 2023, the residential credit drops to zero while the commercial credit drops to a permanent 10 percent.

