Climate Optimists is a twice a month podcast that drops on Tuesdays. Historical episodes are sorted by the categories listed below. So whether you're a renewable energy super fan or electric car junkie (it's ok, we are too), you can browse by your area of interest. As always, if there's a topic you'd like us to cover, send us a note using our contact page in the footer.
We sit down with Hannah Evans from Population Connection to talk about overpopulation, climate change, why they're rarely discussed together and why that needs to change.
Although the Prius has enabled Toyota to brand itself as pro-environment, it's efforts behind the scenes have made it a global leader in obstructing climate action.
While pressure is mounting for Biden to declare climate change a national emergency, what would it actually mean and is it a viable plan b? We set out to find answers.
Listen in as climate scientist Lisa Schipper breaks down the complex topic of climate adaptation including what it is, why it matters and the keys to getting it right.
Listen in as Chris Dennett from Tofurky educates us on the benefits of meat alternatives, the exciting growth underway, and what's needed to unlock their full potential.