Climate Optimists is a twice a month podcast that drops on Tuesdays. Historical episodes are sorted by the categories listed below. So whether you're a renewable energy super fan or electric car junkie (it's ok, we are too), you can browse by your area of interest. As always, if there's a topic you'd like us to cover, send us a note using our contact page in the footer.
Tune in as we explore how Russia's invasion of Ukraine could impact our transition away from fossil fuels
Eliminating air travel's emissions won't be easy, but the work to get there is already in-flight. Join us as sustainable aviation expert Mike Wolcott explains.
Many of us are dedicated recyclers, but is it a distraction from bigger issues like climate change? And what, if any, does recycling do to reduce carbon emissions?
Climate solution entrepreneur Axel Reinaud explains how waste plant matter can be converted into a substance that stores carbon, generates energy, and improves the soil!
As more people invest in cryptocurrency hoping to get rich quickly, we take a look at its climate impacts. The results may surprise you.